A license is needed for Drone-Hacks to unlock many of the awesome features. This page will discuss how to purchase a license, along with what versions we offer to help you in choosing the right version!
Without a license, Drone-Hacks is still a very useful tool.
We give you free unlimited access to our parameter editor, this allows you to see the hundreds of hidden parameters DJI have on the drone that you normally cannot alter. This can help you tweak your drone to be more suitable for you.
NOTE: Parameter editing is a free feature and no support is offered for this. We do not document what each parameter does and cannot offer any guidance on which ones you should change.
Firmware flashing between the same Anti Rollback version is also included for free, this includes downgrades and upgrades, but again, only within the same ARB version. The ARB is displayed in the top left of drone-hacks and out Firmware partner DankDroneDownloader also shows ARB in their software and website too. If the numbers match, you can flash for free!
Regular is where things really start to get exciting. You of course get all the same features as the free version, but get to enjoy hacks!
NOTE: Applicable features depend on your drone's firmware version and model, this can be checked on our Support Matrix
NFZ's are frustrating, for some places like international airports or prisons they make sense, but DJI sometimes have…strange restrictions. Places such as long abandoned rural airfields, airfields that only operate on weekend but have a 24/7 NFZ and so on. We have the ability to remove NFZ and allow you to fly wherever you want, whenever you want. Obviously bear in mind that you should still respect the law and not start flying your drone over somewhere like a military base or an international airport! The point is, the onus is on you, the operator to ensure you are flying safely and not in the hands of a faceless hardware manufacturer.
Altitude limits are set at 500m on DJI drones, you can capture some amazing photos from this height, but for more rural locations such as mountain climbers, this limitation can actually prevent them from flying. With altitude limits removed, you can fly as high as your signal and battery will allow you to fly. You can fly to heights previously not possible and capture some truly amazing footage and photos!
Signal Hacking (FCC Power) can also be performed with this license. This increases the output power of your drone to FCC power levels (and beyond with some DJI Drones using Boost Mode). This can potentially increase the range in which you can fly by allowing your signal to penetrate further through the air. This is totally safe to do as all DJI drones are designed to run at these power levels, however we simply unlock the use of it where previously not allowed. DJI has a table on which countries are FCC and which are CE. If you're in a CE country, give it a try and see if you get a range boost! DJI CE/FCC Table
Next, we have our Enterprise License. This license has all the same features as the Standard license, but is applicable to the Enterprise level drones as defined by DJI.
This is for products such as the Mavic 2 Pro Enterprise, Matrice 300, Matrice 200 v2 and the likes.
It does not provide an ADB root shell, but is simply a license targeted at the enterprise level drones.
Our professional license is our most powerful product and is aimed at a select group of people. These are either people interested at reverse engineering, law enforcement or data forensics.
You get all the same hacks available with a Regular license, however (where supported) you also get an ADB root shell.
ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge and essentially Drone-Hacks will grant you access to the ADB root shell on the device. From here you have full control over the drones Android based operating system. You can use this to modify files on the drone and perform forensic data extraction.
NOTE: Access to the ADB is at the root level. You can VERY easily brick the drone. You should know 100% what you are doing in the android subsystem before trying anything. Drone-Hacks does not cover any damage caused to your drone by anything done in the ADB root shell and support on commands and what you can do with it is not offered. This license is tailored at people who are already familiar with drones and ADB and simply need more access.
Now you know what you need, why not go ahead and purchase a license. You can read our guide on this by clicking This Link or go back to the Drone-Hacks homepage to browse around some more.