Drone-Hacks V2 has now moved out of public beta into general availability and is the app where all future hacks and model support will be added. This is our next generation app for drone modifications and we're so excited it is finally available to our users. So you want to join in the fun? Well first you will need the app, so let's get it installed!
Currently, the app supports a limited set of models, however moving forwards, all models will be moved over to DH2 support and no further hacks or models will be added to Drone-Hacks 1.47.
At the time of release, the supported models list is currently:
The app can be downloaded by simply visiting our website, at the top you will see the "Download Drone-Hacks V2 button
Once there, take a read of the page and then click the “Download Drone-Hacks Public Beta” button as shown.
Unlike older versions of Drone-Hacks, 2.x needs to be installed rather then running as a standalone exe, so run the downloaded file which will be called something along the lines of Drone-Hacks_2.0.0_x64_en-US.msi and continue through the installation wizard. You only need to do this once as future app updates will be handled inside the app without the need to download new versions from our website manually!
And just like that, we're done! You will need to login to the app (we have a tutorial for that Here) but once done you will see the main home screen and can continue your drone hacking journey!